Home » MS Outlook » How to Export/Save Outlook Emails from OST to MHTML files?
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Are you trying to extract emails from Outlook OST files and save them as MHTML files? But even after trying many methods, you do not get any results. If yes, don’t worry, because this article has the solution for you. Here we will explain how to export/save Outlook emails from OST to HTML files. Let’s start…

Outlook OST and MHTML file- Overview

OST: – OST stands for (Offline Storage Table) which is a data file used by MS Outlook. This file is used by Outlook to store users’ profile data locally. This includes all emails, contacts, calendars, and other items associated with an Outlook user’s profile.

MHTML: – It is also known as “MIME HTML” which is the file type used to store web pages. A single MHTML file can contain a web page with HTML code and its resources such as images, CSS, and JavaScript. (MHTML files can also store an individual email with all the relevant information).

For some users, it becomes difficult to manage Outlook emails with OST files, as a result, they prefer to extract their emails into file types like- MHTML.

Also Read: – How to Convert OST to HTML files with Emails and Attachments?

Why do users export emails from OST to MHTML files?

  • Saving each email individually: – Single email users can easily save as an MHTML file. Therefore, by exporting emails from OST files users can save their emails separately.
  • Opening emails in web browsers: – MHTML files are compatible with all web browsers. Therefore, by extracting emails from OST files MHTML users can access their emails through web browsers.
  • Additional email backup: – Saving Outlook emails as MHTML files helps users to create additional backups of their important emails. This backup will help users in case of accidental email deletion or corruption in Outlook.

Users Query

I have been using MS Outlook for 5 years to manage my email profile. I have over 10000 emails in my Outlook profile, which are in an OST file. From that OST file, I want to extract all those emails as MHTML files. Is there any reliable way to do this?

Manual Method to Convert Outlook Emails from OST to MHTML

To export emails from Outlook profile/OST to MHTML files follow these steps in MS Outlook: –

  • Start MS Outlook application, and open your email profile.
  • Select the email that you want to export as MHTML.
  • Press the “File” button from the menu bar.
  • Hit on the “Save As” tab and apply these settings: –
    • File Name: – Enter the name you want to add to the resulting file.
    • Save As Type: – select the “MHT files(*.mht)” from the drop-down list.
    • Location: – Select the location where you want to save the resultant MHTML files.
  • Finally, hit the Save button and start saving Outlook emails to MHTML files.

Limitations of Manual Method

  • Does not support converting emails in batch mode. (Can convert one email at a time)
  • MS Outlook and a working email profile is required.
  • Working only with accessible and healthy OST files. (Online mode)
  • No additional filters (e.g. mail filters) are available to speed up extraction.

Automated Software to Convert OST emails to MHTML files

To convert Outlook OST emails to MHTML files, users need to use an automated tool called Enstella OST Converter software. A specialized program to securely extract and save Outlook emails as MHTML files.

It will allow users to export emails from all types of OST files (corrupted/ orphaned/ encrypted, as well as healthy). The conversion task, this tool accomplishes without the need for MS Outlook. Moreover, it enables users to convert multiple OST files simultaneously along with countless emails. Other benefits of the software are mail filters, naming conventions, and more.

How to use Enstella OST to MHTML Converter Software? Step by step

Follow the given steps to convert OST to MHTML files with emails & attachments using the Enstella OST Converter tool: –

  • Download and launch this Windows-based Enstella OST Converter Software.
  • Press the Select OST button and choose a conversion mode: –
    • Single OST File Conversion: – add one OST file for conversion.
    • Bulk OST File Conversion: – add multiple OST files at once to convert them simultaneously.
  • Choose file adding mode and press the Next button.
  • Import single or multiple OST files and click the Start Scanning button.
  • Load the mailbox data from Outlook OST files into the software.
  • Get a preview of emails and choose needed mail folders from the OST file.
  • Press the Save OST button and apply another setting for saving emails as MHTML: –
    • Conversion option: – click on the radio button “Export to MHTML.
    • Mail filter by date: – Select the mail filter option to extract emails of a specific date range. (select a start date in “From” and an end date in the “To” field).
    • Naming Convention: – choose a naming convention from the available 9 options.
    • Saving Location: – Press the “Browse” button and select the location where you want to save the resulting MHTML files from your drive.
  • Hit the Convert button and begin the process of saving Outlook OST emails as MHTML files.

Outlook email extraction from OST to MHTML files is a task that many users want to do nowadays. However, this is only possible if users have the right information. Therefore, we have written this article to provide the knowledge to perform this task. Now take the help of any one of the methods shown above and convert Outlook OST emails to MHTML files safely.

Note: – The manual method has many limitations, so the better way is to use the automatic Enstellla OST to MHTML converter. Try it for free using its demo version now.
