100% Safety & Security

Our online orders are processed on a 100% safe & secure server at FastSpring.com , it is a veteran ecommerce company, which specializes in software. All information will be encrypted before transmission to prevent possible interception by a third party. This is a Netscape Blue Key & MSIE compatible secure order form. It was designed to provide government level security for your credit card transactions. Use it with confidence. Your transmissions while in this area are absolutely secure and private.

Secure Online Oder Executes

The entire information (E-mails, contact address and other details) that we collected while online order procedure will be used ships your order and approves your order placement. In case when we fell to further illumination on the order and a connected correspondence then we may use the same information you provided..


·We use the preeminent and harmless practices to safe your online dealings and your personal credit information is stowed firmly. We never disclose the information of your personal credit card and never held accountable for any breach of security. We accept the payment only through FastSpring, My Commerce and Paypal. All the transaction process will be secured and safe and never reveal your personal information. We also take the responsibility not to reveal the your personal information to anyone because we know how much clients are worry about their information that are everything for them.
If you have any question or concern, please email us.

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