Sophisticated Excel to Outlook Calendars Software

Listed Unique Key Attributes of Excel to Outlook Calendar Software

Export XLS & XLSX Calendar to Outlook Calendar

Excel to Outlook Calendar Software performs to convert every versions of excel file calendars folder (.xlsd and .xlsx) upto 2016 to Outlook versions upto 2016 (32 and 64 bit). This Software efficiently export excel calendar to outlook calendar deprived of making changes in preceding calendar details.

Convert CSV Calendar to Outlook Calendar

Software efficaciously export the entire calendars entries of CSV file into Outlook calendar folder, all the conversion process will be secured and no changes will be done after conversion process. Excel to Outlook Calendar Software effortlessly import csv to outlook calendar.

Capable to Export Empty Calendar

XLSX to PST Calendar Converter Software offers to convert your Excel (.xls & .xlsx) and CSV calendars that having no email address, so thereby you became proficient to Migrate empty email calendars into outlook calendars during conversion period.

Option to Remove Duplicate Calendars

Excel to Outlook Calendar Software gives the option of removing duplicate calendars entries of excel or CSV file during conversion into outlook calendar. So, according to necessity you can remove or keep duplicate calendar entries while converting into Outlook calendar.

Available Distribution List or Group Creation

Software endues the distribution list or group creation option that is helpful; you can select this option during conversion to keep converted calendars separately in a group for collectively sending emails to this people groups. You just need to check the option and give a name for it.

Auto & Manually Mapping Factor

Auto and manually mapping option is given only to making mapping of your excel calendars to Outlook calendars. Either the software auto mapping Excel to outlook calendar or you can manually mapping of your Excel calendar fields to Outlook calendars attributes.


Software Features

Product Price

  • Preview of Recovered Data
  • Conversion Facility
  • Export Option
  • Export Single Item
  • 100% Safe & Secure
  • Technical Support
  • 30 Days Money Back

Product Delivery

Delivery of product are instant and reached you Within 10-minutes via email.

Demo VersionLimitations


  • Save 5 items per folder
  • Export to PST.

Full VersionNo Limitations


  • Save all items without any restriction
  • Export to PST.


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Success Story - What Our Client's Say

(Star Rating 5 Based on 5 Stars)

Hey I used your Excel to outlook Calendar Software and wanna say it’s working process is too simple, I didn’t face any difficulty during conversion of excel calendars into outlook calendars……thanks for best solution

kiryamartin (France)

(Star Rating 3.8 Based on 5 Stars)

I would like to thanks to your team who made best Excel to outlook Calendars Software, by using this program I converted my all calendars of excel file into outlook calendar thanks for best tool

arianamartin (Canada)

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