How to Convert EMLX files Via EMLX Converter Software?

Convert your Apple Mail EMLX files from a Windows based computer using Enstella EMLX Converter Software. Smartly perform EMLX file conversion into more than 10 file formats and cloud email apps. Flawlessly export emails from EMLX files to Thunderbird, Gmail, Google Workspace, Yahoo Mail, Office365, and more.

Software Working Steps

Step - 1 >>

Download, Install, and launch this windows based Enstella EMLX Converter software

Hit the "Select EMLX File/Folder" button from the first screen..

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EMLX Converter software first screen

Step - 2 >>

Select an option for adding EMLX file into the software

  • Select EMLX Folder: - load a folder containing several EMLX files.
  • Select EMLX Files: - Choose single or multiple EMLX files from a specific folder and add them into the software.

Add EMLX files/folders with your selected file adding mode and and click on "Next".

load EMLX files/folders

Step - 3 >>

Load the imported EMLX files and folder into the software and view emails in Preview Panel.

view emails from EMLx files

Step - 4 >>

Convert each EMLX file separately by right-clicking on it.

Note: - Indvidually convert EMLX files on right-click into the available formats - PST, EMLX, MSG and HTML file format.

convert EMLx files singularly

For Converting multiple EMLX files or uploading to cloud email apps, apply these below given steps

Convert EMLX to PST/ MSG/ Zimbra/ EML/ HTML/ MHTML/ MBOX & NSF

Step - 5 >>

Make selection of the needed EMLX files and folders from preview panel and folder's list.

After selection, press the "Convert EMLX" button from menubar.

convert EMLX

Step - 6 >>

From the newly opened screen, choose a conversion format from available 10 options.

(PST, EMLX, MSG, HTML, MHTML, MBOX, Zimbra, NSF, and Thunderbird)

available export options for EMLX file conversion

Step - 7 >>

Choose other required option and apply settings like: -

  • Mail filter: - Select a mail filtering mode "filter emails by Dates", "To", and "From"

    Note: - Filter and export specific emails from selected EMLX files.

  • Saving Location: - Choose a path for saving the files generated from the software while conversion.
  • Naming Convention:- Select a naming pattern from available 9 different options.
EMLX conversion options

Step - 8 >>

Finally, press the Convert button to begin the EMLX file conversion process to any available file format option.

EMLX Conversion to PST and more formats

Import EMLX Emails to Office365/ Gmail/ Yahoo Mail/ & IMAP account

Step - 5 >>

Select EMLX files and folders and click on the "Import to Cloud" then and choose choose a cloud import option.

(Office365, Gmail, Yahoo Mail,, and IMAP)

EMLX to Cloud import

Step - 6 >>

Choose "EMLX to Office365 Import" from the cloud import options.

Enter your Office365 account's email address, and use mail filter and folder input options.

EMLX to Office365 account login

Step - 7 >>

Click the Connect & Import button, signin with your Office365 account and start the EMLX to Office365 migration.

EMLX to Office365 migration

Step - 6 >>

Select "EMLX to Gmail Import" or "EMLX to G-Suite Import" from cloud migration options.

Enter email address, and google third party app password of your Gmail account and press the Authenticate Login button.

EMLX to Gmail Login

Step - 7 >>

Use the folder adding and mail filter functsion of the software, and applying settings click on Import to Gmail account to start the EMLX email to Gmail/G-suite migration.

EMLX to Gmail migration

Step - 6 >>

Choose "EMLX to YahooMail Import" cloud import option.

Add the email address and third party app password of your Yahoo Mail account and click on the Authenticate Login button.

EMLX to YahooMail login

Step - 7 >>

After the Yahoo account login process, click the Import to Yahoo account button and start the migration job.

EMLX to YahooMail migration

Step - 6 >>

After selection of required EMLX files/folder from preview panel and hit on "Import to cloud" >> "EMLX to Import".

Enter the email address and password of your account.

EMLX to login

Step - 7 >>

Press the Convert button and start exporting emails from EMLX files to or Hotmail account.

EMLX to migration

Step - 6 >>

Select the "EMLX to IMAP Account Import" option from the available cloud import options.

In the next opened screen, provide this login details: -

  • IMAP Email: - Enter your IMAP account's email address
  • Password: - Add the password your IMAP email account
  • Host Name: - provide the hostname of IMAP mail server (example:
  • Port: - 993 (Leave it as it is)

After entering the required login details, use other available options like- "Mail Filter" and "Input Folder".

EMLX to IMAP import options

Step - 7 >>

Lastly, click on Convert and begin the EMLX email to IMAP account migration through Enstella EMLX converter software.

EMLX to IMAP mail migration

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