How to Convert to PSTNew PST, EML, EMLX, HTML, MSG, vCard, ICS, MBOX, & Zimbra TGZ?
Download & Launch Software
Download & install Enstella PST Recovery / Converter software to windows machine.
Download Now 100% secureAfter installing the softwarem, launch it to your machine & press "Select PST" button.
Choose Single or Bulk Conversion mode
Select "Single File Conversion" or "Bulk File Conversion" modes through the software.
- Single File Conversion:- Add a single PST file in the software for recovery/conversion.
- Bulk File Conversion Select and add multiple PST file/folders to convert them in one time.
Choose your required option and hit the "Next" button.
Add PST Files in the Software
Add required PST files in the software after selecting Single or bulk file conversion mode and press "Start Scanning" button.
Scan/ Repair PST files
Scan PST files through the software and easily repair all corruption errors. After scanning process completion and extract every data and folders from PST files in the software.
Preview Outlook items from PST files
See all emails, ccontacts, calendars and other elements of PST files and select required folders from it.
Select required item folders from PST files and follow below described steps to Convert PST into different formats.
Convert PST to New PST
PST to MBOX, ICS, vCard
PST to Thunderbird
For Converting PST files into new PST file, follow these steps after applying the steps shown above.
Select Conversion format
- Export to PST:- Convert Older PST file to new PST files and also get split option.
- Single PST:- Split output PST files into numerous small parts with different size range (1GB to 25GB).
- Single PST for all Mailbox:- While conversion, create a single PST file for saving data of all selected files.
Select one these two gien options for saving Outlook mailbox from old PST to new PST file.
- Export to PST:- Convert Older PST file to new PST files and also get split option.
Convert PST to New PST
Choose conversion format and other required option like- Mail filter and Saving Location.
Finally, click on "Convert" button & start PST file conversion and Export Outlook mailbox items to new PST files.
Conversion Completion
Complete the PST file Conversion job through the software, and get a conversion completion dialog on your computer screen.
Extract and save Outlook PST emails to file formats- EML, EMLX, MSG, HTML, MHT, PDF, Zimbra(TGZ).
Select Conversion format for saving Outlook emails
- Export to EML:- Extract Outlooke emails and save to separate files with EML file format.
- Export to EMLX:- Extract/Save Outlook emails separate files with EMLX file format.
- Export to MSG:- Save Outlook emails separately in Outlook MSG files.
- Export to PDF:- Save Outlook emails to Portable PDF files and access with different devices.
- Export to HTML:- Save Outlook mails to HTML files and access them with any web browser easily.
- Export to MHT:- Export Outlook emails to MHT files for opening them with web browsers.
- Export to Zimbra(TGZ):- Save Complete emails of Outlook PST files to single TGZ file and access it with Zimbra desktop client.
Press "Save PST" button from menu bar of the software and then a conversion formats from the list.
Save Outlook emails to Selected file type
Choose conversion format and apply other required settings:-
- Mail Filter:- Select dates of emails from PST files and extract email of specified dates from Outlook mailbox.
- Naming Convention:- Provide custom name to resultant files with different naming combination by email date, subject, & from.
- Saving Location:- Select a desired path from your drive to save resulted files.
Press "Save PST" button from menu bar of the software and then a conversion formats from the list.
Conversion Completion
After conversion process completion, the software will show a "process completed" dialog on your computer screen. Simply click on "OK" and close the window.
Save Outlook Mail folders to MBOX, Contact to vCard, and Calendar to ICS files.
Select Conversion format
- Export to MBOX:- Select Outlook Mail folders from PST files and move into MBOX files using this option.
- Export to vCard:- Select folders that contains Outlook contacts and export PST Contacts to vCard with this option .
- Export to ICS:- Through this option easily export Outlook calendar from PST to ICS files.
Select required folders from PST file and choose conversion option(according to your need).
Convert PST to MBOX, ICS, or vCard
Choose conversion format and apply other required settings:-
- Create Single File for all Selected folder:- Generate a single file and save data of all selected folders through this option.
- Mail filter:- Input a Start and End Date of sent and recieved items and extract items of only selected dates from PST files.
- Saving Location:- Choose a location from your drive where you want to save output files.
Press "Save PST" button from menu bar of the software and then a conversion formats from the list.
Conversion Completion
After completing conversion process the software will open a new screen with conversion completion dialog. Click on Ok and close it easily.
Follow the steps shown below to directly export Outlook mailbox to Thunderbird account directly.
Select Conversion format
Choose needed mail folders from PST files and press "Save PST" button. After this select the conversion option "Export to Thunderbird".
Import PST Mailbox to Thunderbird Profile
After selecting "Export to Thunderbird option" the software will auto-detect the Thuderbird profile loaction to preserve Outlook profile data easily.
After this, select the "Mail Filter" option and hit the Convert button to begin PST to Thunderbird import process.
Conversion Completion
In a very short time the software will complete the PST to THunderbird migration job and show the instant results to users.
How to Migrate Outlook PST to Cloud and Webmail apps?
Download & Launch Software
Download, install, and launch Enstella PST Converter software to your computer (windows).
Download Now 100% secureLaunch the software and press the "Select PST" button.
Choose Single or Bulk Conversion mode
Choose the option- "Single File Conversion" or "Bulk File Conversion" mode.
- Single File Conversion:- For single file selection and adding in the software.
- Bulk File Conversion:- Import multiple PST files in the software for conversion in a single process.
Import PST file in the software
Select and import needed PST files in the software, after Single or bulk file conversion mode selection.
Scan files & load items
Sccan PST files, resolve corruption errors & extract complete data items and folders from selected PST files.
Preview Outlook items
Load all data of PST files in the software including- emails, contacts, calendar, & other items and select required folders.
After following the above given steps, click the "Import to Cloud" button and apply the steps shown below.
Migrate PST to Office365
Import PST to Gmail
Migrate PST to YahooMail
Import PST to
Import PST to IMAP Server
Select Import to Office365 option
Choose "Import PST to Office 365" after pressing Import to Cloud button from menubar.
Migrate PST to Office365
Input your Offie365 Account email address and password in their provided fields.
Select other required options:-
- Mail Filter:- For exporting emails of only required dates from PST files.
- Primary or Custom folder selection:- Select primary folder of your Office365 account for importing PST file data or create a new folders for preserving PST file data.
Apply these needed settings and click the "Convert" button to start PST to Office365 migration.
PST to Office365 Migration complete
Complete the PST to Office365 migration job through the software and get instant results on your screen.
Select Import to Gmail option
Select "Import PST to Gmail" option after pressing "Import to Cloud" button in the software.
Migrate PST to Gmail
Provide Gmail account email address and third-pary app password then press the "Authenticate Login" button.
After login select other required options:-
- Mail Filter:- Extract emails of specific dates from PST files using this option.
- Input folder selection:- Add a folder with custom name to gmail account for storing PST file data.
Apply all needed settings and click the Convert button to start PST to Gmail migration.
PST to Gmail Migration complete
The software will complete the migration task and show a screen with completion dialog.
Select Import to Yahoo option
In the "Import to Cloud" drop-down list, choose the option "Import PST to Yahoo" for PST to Yahoo migration.
Migrate PST to YahooMail
Enter your Yahoomail Account login credentials into the software and press "Authenticate" button.
After login process, select other required options:-
- Mail Filter:- To export emails of some specific dates from PST files using this option.
- Input folder selection:- Add a folder with custom name to Yahoo account for storing Outlook mailbox data.
Apply all needed settings and click the "Convert" button to start PST to Yahoo migration job.
PST to Yahoo Migration complete
The software will complete the migration job and provide the instant results on your screen.
Select Import to option
From Import to Cloud section, choose the option "Import PST to" to migrate PST to
Migrate PST to
Enter your Account email address and password into the software.
Select other required options:-
- Mail Filter:- Extract emails of specific dates from PST files using this option.
- Input folder selection:- Add a folder with custom name to account for storing PST mailbox data.
Select and apply all needed settings and click the Convert button to start PST to migration.
PST to Migration complete
The software will complete the migration job and provide the instant results on your screen.
Select Import to IMAP option
Press Import to Cloud button, then select "Import PST to IMAP" option for PST to IMAP Webmail migration.
Migrate PST to IMAP
Enter your IMAP account login email address, password and host name into the software.
Select other required options:-
- Mail Filter:- Extract emails of specific dates from PST files using this option.
- Input folder selection:- Add a folder with custom name to IMAP account for storing PST mailbox data.
Select and apply all needed settings and click the Convert button to start PST to IMAP migration job.
PST to IMAP Server Migration complete
Complete the PST to IMAP migration through the software and get instant results.